Call it coincidence, divine intervention or luck, but I'd bet that you've had a situation whereby you see or hear something, and suddenly it shows up somewhere else. Like when you consider buying a particular type of car, and suddenly that model is all you see on the highway. That serendipity is what led me to write about today's subject. ============================== Thanks to a cancelled flight that left me scrambling to get from one fundraiser to another late last month, I've ... Read On >
Promoting your gala honoree to maximize your exposure
For some nonprofits, the date of the auction gala is determined after careful examination of a single individual’s calendar. This well-regarded person doesn’t (usually) work for the organization, yet still holds enormous influence over the timing of the nonprofit’s largest fundraising event. Dates are checked and re-checked. Venues are called and called again to confirm availability. Who is this VIP? He’s the gala honoree. (“He” can just as easily be a she, family or it, as in the case of ... Read On >