Today is Mardi Gras, so it's the perfect time to tell this story. In one fell swoop, some long-time Gala Co-chairs "recruited" a new auction committee *and* announced they'd no longer be overseeing the school auction. ============================= If you've chaired an auction, you know it's demanding work. Though rewarding, interesting, and even fun, it is also time-consuming. Furthermore, some find that if they are good at the job, it's hard to get out of the role. No one ... Read On >
An auction organizational chart for your fundraiser
If you run a web search on "why volunteers quit," you'll find a string of articles, research, and posts listing common reasons volunteers leave. One of the top complaints is a lack of organization from the person in charge of the volunteers. (For a fundraising auction, we'd typically call this person the Auction Chair or Gala Chair.) Years ago I recall a committee member complaining to me about the Auction Chair. "She doesn't have her sh*t together," the woman confided. Because the ... Read On >
VIDEO: Chairing a school auction? Your marriage may suffer.
Last year I ran a course called Easy First Auctions. It was designed to help nonprofits launch an auction correctly so they avoid volunteer burnout. I could have just as honestly promoted it by writing, "Here are the elements your auction should include in the early years, so you don't get a divorce." (Intrigued? The DVD of that class is available here.) Auctions put enormous stress on school volunteer chairs. Though I've talked about this extensively in my Profitable Auction Blueprint™ ... Read On >
A critical volunteer in your auction checkout process
The auction checkout process is a thorn in the side of many Auction Chairs. I've got a 90-minute Simple Auction Checkout training webinar that explains the step-by-step process, including the roles and responsibilities of the people on that team. Today's post introduces you to one team member, whom I'll argue is the most important. ============ Benefit auctions are run by volunteers. So when the big day arrives and you’re unlocking the doors to greet swarming guests, which volunteer is ... Read On >
How many clerks spoil the benefit auction broth?
Ever heard the phrase, “Too many cooks spoil the broth?” At a benefit auction, you need someone to record the sale prices. That person is typically called a clerk, secretary, or recorder. Although an auctioneer could clerk his own benefit auction, it slows the sales process and isn’t a best practice. The auction clerk stands or sits near the auctioneer at the front of the stage. Oftentimes the clerk sits right next to me, while I stand at the podium. This is not a stressful job, but many ... Read On >