A common entertainment activity added to virtual galas has been a mixology class. In 2022, I think it's time to time to do something different. Some gala chairs are preparing to host their third annual online fundraiser. If that sounds like you -- and you haven't made any adjustments since your initial event -- it's time too add some fresh virtual gala ideas. That's why I was pleased to notice this promotion in my recent Zingerman's catalog. Zingerman's is a company I've used for ... Read On >
virtual gala
$200 VIP Upgrade Experience Box (Wow Box) from a small school
Given the timing of this post (landing between Christmas and New Year's Eve), I wasn't planning on sharing much in the way of substance. But then I came across this video from spring 2020 that had not yet been posted. Wow Boxes, also called VIP boxes, are a uniquely virtual gala element. It turns out virtual galas are still going to be happening in spring 2022 -- at least for some groups. A few spring clients have already moved their gala date to later in 2022 as they try to dodge the ... Read On >
Video clips from hybrid and virtual galas – acknowledging at-home bidders
This past month has been a mix of in-person, virtual, and hybrid galas. I've been working on getting comfortable with different approaches. These clips represent some new layouts and technology for me, which better allow me to acknowledge and involve at-home bidders. ==================================== Hybrid gala 100 in-room guests / 100 at-home guests Selling a trip to Martha's Vineyard What to watch: Bids from at-home guests whereby I engaged them by looking at the ... Read On >
Hybrid galas: How I’m taking bids from the virtual bidders
Over the last two years, the one big constant has been change. I’ve had substantial changes take place in my work and personal life. You may have, too. When it comes to changes in fundraising galas, we covered ticketing strategies, VIP boxes, games, and other elements of virtual gala fundraisers in my Conversation series. (My Virtual Gala Cheat Sheet is still a popular free download.) And now, as we shift into yet another new gala style -- hybrid galas -- I'm finding myself making ... Read On >
Comparing virtual vs in-person galas: List of pros
I have several clients considering their autumn galas. As they try to outguess the COVID virus, we've spent time comparing the pros and cons of in-person galas versus virtual galas. Perhaps this will be helpful to you as well. One point to know: For my discussions, the basis of comparison for a virtual gala has been Zoom. I've written about the types of virtual galas -- two-screen, one-screen, Zoom*, pre-recorded -- and having worked them all, I'm still a fan of Zoom because I believe ... Read On >