Raffle ticket sales become a lot easier when you use this simple trick. Each guest who buys a raffle ticket should be given a visual identifier to alert others that he's purchased. This avoids the common annoyance to guests: multiple people approaching to sell raffle tickets. Assume you have three teams of volunteers roaming the crowd to sell raffle tickets for a diamond bracelet. Team #1 approaches Mr. Smith and sells him two tickets. Within minutes, Team #2 talks to him. "I just bought ... Read On >
Use signage (a bid board) to let silent auction bidders know they won
Here's one of the most common questions you'll hear from auction guests: "How will I know if I won anything in the silent auction? If I didn't win anything, I don't want to stand in the check-out line." How can you easily let bidders know they won? Relaying winning bidder information should become part of your silent auction checkout process. One option is to invest hundreds to thousands of dollars into technology so you can text or otherwise alert your winners, but that's a big ... Read On >
A School Auction Excels at Marketing a Potato Cannon
The right unique school auction items will sell for high dollar in your gala. And a potato cannon, made by the school's beloved maintenance department, in an all-boys Catholic school ... is a perfect example of that. The cannon sold for $1000 at the school auction... twice. (Once the Auction Chair saw how well it was selling, she confirmed the maintenance team would be willing to build another one. The school doubled its revenue on that item.) Not only is this a fun idea, but what ... Read On >