When I was in the 5th grade, the room was arranged with an aisle down the middle and rows of three desks clustered on either side of the aisle. I was in the last row seated with two friends, Bryon and Tammy. As an adult in a classroom setting, I like to sit in the 2nd row next to a wall. But as a 5th grader, I was assigned to sit in the back. We snickered over 5th grade antics. Tammy and I would pretend Bryon had no brain and we'd talk "through" his head as he sat between us. It was ... Read On >
This auction bid card served many purposes: bid number, seating assignment, advertisement, and more
Here's a clever way to ensure guests keep their auction bid card as they mingle during the silent auction reception. One of my client's included key information on the back of each paddle. The guest's name Guest's table number Schematic diagram of the ballroom, with highlighting on the table at which the guest would be seated. (Notice that the guest's table is highlighted in yellow to make it easy for the guest to locate.) An introduction of the auctioneer Information about ... Read On >
The flow of a wine auction (2 examples)
Last month I worked as a wine auctioneer for a benefit auction in Oak Brook, IL. It was my second wine auction in 2017. The other event was for a nonprofit in Texas. In this post, I'm featuring both of them. If you're running a wine auction or considering launching one in your community, take a look at how these two fundraisers are structured. Both of these are successful events in their markets. Let's look at highlights from each event. Vintage Amarillo Earlier this year, the ... Read On >
Best ballroom layout for an auction with dance floor
Many nonprofits end their benefit auctions with dancing from either a DJ or a live band. Traditionally there are two standard layouts for this type of event, and both are poor. The dance floor becomes the area from which the auctioneer works. The auctioneer is on a stage and a huge dance floor (a feature which isn't used but for the last 90 minutes of the event!) is positioned in a top location, directly in front of the stage. Neither of these options works because neither set-up ... Read On >
[VIDEO] When to use a theater-style layout for your fundraising auction
When time allows during the spring auction season, I create highlight videos from some of my fundraising auctions. These videos are posted on the Red Apple Auctions Facebook page but you'll only see those if you 1) use Facebook, and 2) have "liked" the Red Apple Auctions Facebook page. As not all readers are Facebookers, I thought it might be a good idea to share these on the blog too. It allows all auction planners to get ideas from some of the top notch events my clients produce. The ... Read On >