I sell my share of New York weekend trips consisting of a show, dinner, and hotel. Who doesn't enjoy a glamorous weekend? But what about those off-the-wall benefit auction items that might be better suited for the stomping grounds of my youth? I think back to the Kansas State Fair, where this next item would have been easier to procure and would have made a big splash with auction guests. The chance to compete in a demolition derby. Last month I read an article in the Orange County Register ... Read On >
Wow, bulldozer auction item ideas turn out to be REAL business
In late July 2009, you might remember reading my blog post about some benefit auction item ideas I had -- like learning to drive a bulldozer and operate other heavy equipment such as dump trucks or excavators. I envisioned the donation could become a fun birthday party for boys ... or even a memorable party for grown men who might like to test their skills at operating some heavy equipment. I suggested procuring a 2-hour donation from your nearby Heavy Equipment Training Academy. Then in ... Read On >
Great charity auction items come from those “doing it anyway.”
You can get some excellent charity auction items when you ask people to donate something that he or she was going to do anyway. Call it a hobby or skill, they are activities that the donor would be engaged in, regardless of your auction. Meet imaginary Helen. Helen is one of the Mom's at your child's school. The woman's skin is so tan you swear she's at the pool every day. Nope. She's in her garden. Her husband and she bought a modest-sized house with a large yard. She's done unbelievable ... Read On >
Spring silent auction idea – grow revenue with a Garden Club tour
Check your calendar. A nice silent auction basket idea will soon blossom. Very soon ... starting in May here in Washington, D.C. ... most garden clubs will begin their annual tours. Sometimes these tours are free, but often there is a charge associated with them. The prestige of the garden club will dictate whether you are paying $5 or $40 to tour a home owner's private garden space. Established groups like the Georgetown Garden Club will sell tickets at a higher price point than smaller ... Read On >
Congrats, you won the item! Will you redeem it?
Last October I wrote about how dining at the Chef's Table can be a popular auction item to sell (and a relatively easy item to procure). If you're already asking for a donation, why not see if the chef has a table in the kitchen and ask if that could be the special table for your winning bidders? Earlier this month on Twitter, I caught a link to the Chicago Business Journal. Shia Kapos wrote on this very subject. "Chef dinners on the charity auction block: a behind-the-scenes look" visits with ... Read On >