I am often asked what is the best auction item to secure for an auction fundraiser. Easy answer: Tickets to The Oprah Winfrey Show In your auction, Oprah will outsell tickets to the Superbowl, a private helicopter charter to a Relaix and Chateaux property, and even the chance for a Presidential meet-and-greet. When Oprah tickets are up against any other item, it is -- to borrow a WWE term -- an Oprah SmackDown. As one auction guest told me, "Even if you aren't a huge fan of Oprah, she's so ... Read On >
Proof of silent auction ideas that work: printer’s plate
A few months ago, I shared what a printer's plate is and how to get it. These plates make for nice silent auction items because they are unusual. At a recent event, I was walking the silent auction with my client before guests arrived. As we approached the plates pictured, she said, "We're really excited about these." "Wow," I said, "I wrote about how to get these donated a few months ago, but I don't often see them in auctions." "I know you wrote about it," she said, "That's how I got ... Read On >
Benefit auction item ideas: stock the bar | stock the cellar
The upcoming holiday season has me thinking about seasonal get-togethers. Here's a benefit auction item idea fitting to the season. I heard of an older couple who opted to forego the traditional gifts at their wedding. If any guest wanted to give a gift, the couple suggested bringing a bottle of wine so they could "stock the cellar." (I like this idea. I've got enough "stuff" for my house, but the cellar can always be filled.) Similarly, some bridal showers (co-ed) are "stock the bar" ... Read On >
Benefit auction donations from artists (Steve Haskamp shares his perspective)
Meet Steve Haskamp. He's an honest-to-goodness, full-time artist. (He's the creative sort with cool ideas you should add to your benefit auction donations wish list.) If you visit his blog, you'll view his designs which are used on greeting cards at Target, Trader Joe's, children's clothing, books, prints, tote bags, magazines, housewares, and a ton of other stuff. I met Steve through his partner, Dale, who is good friend of mine from college. Steve has one of those jobs I find interesting. ... Read On >
How to Successfully Sell a Puppy in Your Auction Fundraiser
I love dogs and I live in one of the United States' friendliest dog towns (Alexandria, VA). There are lots of dog lovers in this part of the world, and I usually sell one or two donated puppies each year as part of a live auction fundraiser. Selling a puppy in a live auction is certainly memorable and profitable. Here in Washington, D.C., the puppy can bring $2000 to $5000 per sale. Most bidders respond to the animal positively and are eager to pet the little guy while inquiring about its age, ... Read On >