One of the first lessons I learned at the Missouri Auction School was on the subject of pointing. “When inviting bidders to bid,” the instructor said, “use an open palm. It’s an invitation for the bidder to give you more money.” “Don’t point!” he emphasized, “It’s rude.” A quick way to separate the professional fundraising auctioneers from the amateurs is to watch their fingers. Get the full story in today’s video. To me, pointing is obnoxious. Am I overreacting? If ... Read On >
hiring auctioneer
[VIDEO] How to make your fundraiser unique? Be exclusive with your benefit auctioneer.
The concept of exclusivity is often tied to commercial products. A company might have the exclusive right to sell a particular style or color of shoes. An airline might be the exclusive carrier of a sports team. In the nonprofit space, we may see the term used in conjunction with sponsorship. One client with a large food and wine event offers opportunities for vendors to be the exclusive provider of certain products, like vodka or beer. I know of one corporation that served as the exclusive ... Read On >
What’s the BEST number of auction items? (Live auction)
Enjoy this series on determining the best number of auction items for your event. How many silent auction items are best. Today's post on how many live auction items are ideal. How many online auction items are good. The influence of mobile bidding on terminology. Back in 2009 I wrote a post about how many live auction items you should sell. I'm making some updates. What's the best number of auction items for our live auction? The two biggest factors affecting your ideal number of ... Read On >
BAS: The letters after an auctioneer’s name
My email signature is as such: Sherry Truhlar, CMP, BAS, CAI If I was so inclined, there are other initials I could use after my name, too. I've got a couple of bachelors degrees, a masters degree, and other certifications in addition to those three listed. Yet these three are only the designations I write with any regularity. I think it's because I must pay a fee to use them each year. I feel compelled to "get my money's worth" out of them. As it turns out, one of the questions ... Read On >