Oh I wish I had a video that captured the vignette I’m about to describe ... In late September I was in Ohio speaking. The next day, I met with a public school foundation for a private consultation. The group is dramatically changing their gala, so I was sharing photos from appropriate events to give them ideas. One of the Co-Chairs said, “Do you have other photos I can see?” As if on cue, the Executive Director whipped out her copy of Creative Auction Themes, Decor & Centerpieces, handed ... Read On >
Fundraising auction tips: The simplest decor idea on the planet
Maybe you don't WANT an auction theme. It's not your style. Maybe it seems like too much work. But still, the idea of nothing on the gala tables or silent auction areas seems UNfestive. What to use? I worked at three auctions this past weekend. Two of them were for schools and one for a nonprofit. One of the schools utilized a tactic I've seen often used at nonprofit galas that didn't have a specific theme. The school decorated the tables with glass beads in colors befitting of their theme ... Read On >
Auction decoration ideas: Elegant (yes, elegant) balloons
I don't like to write about auction decoration ideas. If it doesn't make you money, I'm less inclined to spend time educating you on it. And rarely do auction decorations make you money. But many of the volunteers on your benefit auction committees LOVE talking about decor, don't they? They get excited planning the colors ... considering the centerpieces ... thinking of ways to incorporate fun elements. It pains me that your budget for the decor may grow out of control. (It's so much ... Read On >
Making other colors green with envy, Emerald is chosen as 2013’s official color
If you're tiring of traditional benefit auction themes, one option is to bypass the obvious choices and go with a color. For instance, emerald. I'm talking about PANTONE® 17-5641 TCS Emerald: the official color of 2013. (You say you didn't know there was an official color? I didn't either, until 2011.) Pantone describes the color as "“Lively. Radiant. Lush… A color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony." Two other words they used to evoke imagery ... Read On >
Silent auction tips for November and December? Stick a bow on it.
One of the natural advantages of hosting a silent auction in the late fall (think October through December) is its proximity to December. December is the monster month when it comes to gift giving. Many of us are thinking about buying gifts for people we care about or considering buying small gifts to have on hand for "emergencies." (Nothing like quickly throwing a gift into a festive bag when you need a last-minute item. When friends invite you for dinner, or that random office party or ... Read On >