In the video I share information about these three wine auction catalogs.
Welcome to wine week! Every post this week ties to alcohol. Here’s the post explaining it.
In this video, I pulled three wine auction catalogs from my collection.
If you’ve never attended a wine auction, you’ll be interested to hear how different they are from most typical benefit auctions.
If you happen to be chairing a wine auction, you’ll enjoy seeing how your own catalog compares to other groups around the country. Everyone has a special way of presenting their collections.
Watch the video below.
P.S. Want some of your own benefit auction catalogs?
I can’t promise you’ll get any wine auction catalogs, but from time to time, I do offer catalogs for sale on my website.
If any are available, you’ll be able to order the Catalog Carnival.
Hi Sherry-
I am interested in the video on your post about wine auction catalogs. It is not loading on my screen. I wonder if you have removed the video or if it is a problem with my machine loading it? Thanks for any help on that.
Hmmm. Thanks for the heads up! Not sure what’s going on with the video. I appreciate the notice and will have my team look into it.