Ever heard the phrase, “Too many cooks spoil the broth?” At a benefit auction, you need someone to record the sale prices. That person is typically called a clerk, secretary, or recorder. Although an auctioneer could clerk his own benefit auction, it slows the sales process and isn’t a best practice. The auction clerk stands or sits near the auctioneer at the front of the stage. Oftentimes the clerk sits right next to me, while I stand at the podium. This is not a stressful job, but many ... Read On >
Call it flirting. Call it sales. Just train your silent auction volunteers to do it.
Valentine's Day is nearing. That special day when we celebrate love and romance,and even sex and lust. In honor of this Day of Passion, all month I'll be writing about love ... as it relates to your benefit auction. Today you learn how to train your silent auction volunteers to flirt. +++++ Silent auction items rarely sell themselves. Some items won’t move without help. And virtually any item will command a higher dollar bid if it's given a 'lil love and attention. Unfortunately, many ... Read On >
The best gifts for volunteers chairing an auction are … flowers?!?
A few years ago I conducted a study among my clients. I asked a portion of my Auction Chairs how many hours she spent planning her auction. I wasn’t interested in the total hours of the committee. I only wanted to know her hours. In the final count, a mix of schools and nonprofits submitted their totals. The survey also had a smattering of large and small galas. After compiling the results, the results revealed that the average time spent was a shocking 1,000 hours. In the “real world” that ... Read On >
Where to get volunteers to help at your benefit auction. (I interviewed Sandy Rees for ideas.)
Last Friday, my friend Sandy Rees of Get Fully Funded released her new book, "Get Fully Funded: How to Raise the Money of your Dreams." Sandy always has practical ideas, so I interviewed her on the topic of where to get volunteers for your benefit auction. Sherry: Benefit auctions rely on volunteers. What advice might you have for my readers? Sandy: There are three steps I like to address. First, be clear about what you need. As a fundraiser, you’ll soon realize that you need to clone ... Read On >
How to run your benefit auction committee meetings
Happy Valentine's Day! Want to show love to your volunteers? Those team members sitting on your benefit auction committees would love it if you respected their time! To that end, here are some tips to keep your meetings running smoothly. Before the meeting ... 1. Ask each committee chair for a time estimate of her remarks. Ask how long she'll need to update the group on her respective responsibilities, whether that's invitations, sponsorships, or baskets. Depending on where you are in ... Read On >