With the new year brings a return to routines. I'm attending many committee meetings and watching volunteers working hard on spring auctions. The questions I'm asked most center around charity auction procurement. And no wonder! It's one of those make-or-break areas of an auction gala. If you don’t nail it – if you can’t get the right items -- your guests won’t be bidding and you won’t be raising money. Some of the more frequent questions committees have are: Who likes to donate? Which ... Read On >
Training / Education
The charity auction ideas YOU (Auction Chairs) researched in 2011
Year-end recaps are great ways to get up to speed on the best information that auction chairs were learning last year. And if you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know I'm a numbers person. I like to measure results and make decisions based on numbers. There’s nothing like seeing the answer in data and going for it. So this week, I'm giving you the most popular blog posts of last year. Consider it your insider’s guide as to what was hot when it comes to charity auction ideas, as ... Read On >
Free training about auction fundraisers is on Thursday. Is it the right call for you?
UPDATE: The teleclass mentioned is over, but the content below is still valid. Keep abreast of future calls by subscribing to Benefit Auction Ideas. ++++++ We've got four auctions this week, so my keyboard and email are humming as I coordinate with Chairs. But when it was quiet a few months ago, I looked at the calendar and selected THIS Thursday as a great day to hold a free call for Auction Planners. It's called "The Five Myths Holding You Back From Making Big Money at Your Auction ... Read On >
What you wished you’d known about benefit auction plannning
The training mentioned below has passed. To be told of future events, subscribe to Benefit Auction Ideas. ============ The first benefit auction I ever conducted was awful. Really awful. (You can hear this story "live" in my free call, ") About 8 years ago, I'd been paid by a Pennsylvania art company to conduct an all-art auction. As a hired gun, I was to arrive onsite at a given time and conduct the event. First I was accosted by the disgruntled client who was extremely unhappy with ... Read On >
How to accelerate your benefit auction checkout line
UPDATE: The telecourse mentioned is over, but the content is still valid. To learn a simple manual auction checkout process, get auction checkout training here. Keep abreast of future calls by subscribing to Benefit Auction Ideas. ++++++ As I write this, I just returned from a benefit auction. The gala was the non-profit's first and it earned an "A." But one area we'll be perfecting before next year's event is the registration and auction checkout process. Checkout is a timely ... Read On >