I’ve said it, and I’ve heard others say it: Charity auctions should emphasize the mission of the nonprofit. Maybe part of the program is devoted to telling the nonprofit’s story. Maybe every live or silent auction item sold has a tie to the mission. Maybe the benefit auctioneer inserts one-liners like, “Remember, .90 cents of every dollar you donate feeds the homeless.” I agree with a mission-focus. But galas also need to be fun. It's rewarding to hear about improved health ... Read On >
Charity Auction Bells & Whistles – 20+ auction games
We work some auctions every year which are "silent auction only" events. My team and I are responsible for the charity auction revenue generating activities. We sell raffle tickets, get bids on silent auction items, and oversee games, like this wine ring toss game. This is direct sales at its core. We have techniques to upsell patrons -- and rely on our irresistible personalities to engage guests. ;) The end result is that guests buy more because they are having fun, like this guy who ... Read On >