Many auction ideas can help you raise cash, but no other singular activity during your benefit auction will have more financial impact than the cash appeal. It can be such a cash cow that some of my clients have no live auction; they only conduct an appeal. The appeal goes by various names: fund a need, gift from the heart, or any of these other cash appeal names. Whatever you call it, there is a strict protocol to follow if you want to be successful. Here are seven pointers to executing a ... Read On >
Benefit Auctions Blog
Benefit auction item: Procuring walk-on movie and TV roles
An auction volunteer from Minnesota recently wrote, "How do you even get some of these items. I'm just frustrated in over my head." Yikes! I want you to be inspired, not frustrated. If I've got tips on how to secure a benefit auction item, I'll share it. One of the more popular items I sell are those related to the entertainment industry. A walk-on part usually refers to the opportunity for someone to be part of the background of a movie or a commercial. This isn’t a speaking role, but it's ... Read On >
Benefit Auction Ideas: Four ways to sell farm-to-table donations
Whether you're a true gourmand or simply a gal who enjoys a good meal, your guests will love these four benefit auction ideas incorporating a farm-to-table dining experience. Earlier this month while on the train traveling back from New York to Washington, D.C., I read Amtrak's magazine Arrive. One article covered the farm-to-table movement and listed several restaurants known for their work in this area. What is the farm-to-table movement? In essence, it's about sourcing ingredients ... Read On >
Good auction centerpiece ideas start with shrinking them
When I was a corporate event planner, deciding on centerpieces for special events was one of the creative aspects of my work. Part of the process was making them functional and fun. In my new career as an auctioneer, I have definite auction centerpiece ideas! What makes a centerpiece "good" now is a bit different than in my old days. At my former events, making money wasn't the goal. Now it is. To keep this post short, I'm only going to talk about fresh floral centerpieces. Non-floral ... Read On >
The charity I see at charity auctions
Tonight I worked at a small charity auction. The crowd numbered ~80. The charity auctions items numbered only 12 hand-crafted art pieces. There was no silent auction or raffles. There was no sit-down dinner. My crew stayed at home, and I worked alone. I arrived with my bag, took a few photos of the space, and then started to admire the items for sale. When guests arrived, I mingled. The advantage of small auctions is that I have more time to visit with the guests. REALLY visit. Not just ... Read On >