Which sounds better to you? (I opted for the salmon.)
I’m laughing as I type this. Twice I’ve gone into a fit of giggles as I imported this photo into the blog. Childish humor, I guess.
Those of you seeking some deep, dark benefit auction secrets are about to hear one.
That’s right. Proofread.
Have a good writer in your nonprofit or school do a once-over on anything that is meant for the public to read.
In this case, the options for the gala meal included salmon (which was delicious) or the pork terderloin.
Not a tenderloin, but a TERDerloin.
Now of course, everyone knew it was a typo. But it was such a funny one that the joke lived on longer than it should have.
Some of the benefit auction documents you should have your volunteer proofreader review include these.
- Auction donation form and letter
- Auction sponsorship form / packet and letter
- Advertisers form
- Auction invitation
- Response card
- Benefit auction catalog content, such as those written for item descriptions
- Powerpoint presentation (if used)
- Auction rules
- Thank you letter
As a sidebar comment, here’s a fun website to read if you like to giggle. Tears stream down my face every time I visit Damn You Autocorrect. It’s a bit risque, but if that doesn’t bother you, take a peek.
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